"All the forces of the world are not powerful enough to stop an idea whose time has come." Victor Hugo

Friday, May 25, 2012

Catching Fireflies

I don't really remember much.  All I have left are a few fleeting memories of that time.  I must have been only two or three, because my brother wasn't born yet.  At least, not from what I can tell.  It was night.  We were camping somewhere with a cabin that had two bunk beds in it.  My dad had brought his guitar and we were sitting around the campfire singing camp songs.  I think we may have been on a church trip or something, because I vaguely remember a few kids sitting there with us.  There may have been more.  That would make sense since my parents both were involved in youth ministry when I was young.

That's not the main thing I think about, though.  What I remember most strongly is a time right before we lit the fire, or right after it went out.  It was dark all around, but I could see the outlines of the trees surrounding me.  I had hold of my mom's hand.  Then, she pointed something out to me.  It was a small little light floating a few feet away.  I was mesmerized.  I had never seen anything like it.  What kind of magic was this?  I don't think I could understand what my mother said, but she brought out a jar and showed me how to capture the lights.  After we had a fair amount, we must have let them go because the next thing I know is I crawled into one of the bunks next to my mom.  She turned the lantern off and I fell asleep.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Past, Present, and Future

Where have the days gone?  It feels like just yesterday school was beginning and summer was behind me.  There was so much to do and to look forward to that I had no time to think about what had passed.  But now that the year is almost over, I stop and think, "What was I doing all this time?"  I know this year passed just the same as others, but I can't help getting the feeling that the older I get, the faster time flies.  I really don't know what to do with myself now that my controlled chaos is coming to a close.  It baffles me how we can live through a long period of time and not even pay attention to it.  It seems like we are always either looking back or jumping ahead, but we never really take the time to live in the present.  The future holds exciting things for me and I love to imagine it, but sometimes I have to remind myself to slow down and to live in the present.  I occasionally forget to savor the moments as they happen because in only a wisp of time they will be a memory and I will long for them just the same as I do others.  Then again, isn't most of life made up of memories?  Where would we be without the things we hold dear, without those things that are so special to us?  Oh, Time, how you always seem within our grasp but in truth you are constantly slipping away into the future faster than we can blink.

Friday, May 4, 2012

May the 4th be with you

In honor of Star Wars day, here's a little video that I found on Facebook one day.  I feel that because it is May 4th and because cellos just rock that I should share this.  I am also very fond of the Star Wars music, so this appeals to my better nature.  For those who read my Facebook, my apologies.  This will be the third Star Wars related item that I have mentioned today, but since it is a deserving cause, I might as well show my applause.  Just wait until Hobbit Day on September 22...

Thursday, May 3, 2012


The longer I live in this life
The stranger I see things
In fact, it reminds me a lot
Of fish
We are nothing but fish here,
Confined in this tank
Following a leader,
Stuck in the current
We get swept along by
The actions of the rest
No one wanting to be the first
To break free
Everyone waiting for the leader
But the leader acts on what
The rest of the pack does
So you see, they're caught
In an endless cycle
Just like us,
Who so resemble fish in nature
After all, why do you think
We call them a school?