Because the speed of light is 3.0 x 108 m/s
We have color
We have movement
We have refraction, detraction, contraction
It's wasn't I'm don't can't
Willpower to make things happen
Because people who make a difference
Do it themselves
We have mediocrity
Alacrity, catastrophe, apostrophe
A punctuation mark used to show possession
To separate contractions
Or talking to something that can't, won't respond
(You won't respond)
But I know You're there
I can talk all I want
Speak into the silence
And still hear nothing but echoes in return
Echo, echo, echo
Noise reverberating off the walls
At the speed of sound (343 m/s)
Because we have the speed of sound
I hear echoes
I hear crickets
I can hear You
Only delayed
Because it takes billions of years to see the stars
And if light travels faster than sound
How long will I be waiting for answers?