The rain falls
Car beeps
Nighttime again
The only sound is the ticking of the clocks
Counting down less than a million seconds
Until the parting of ways
And eternity
Whenever the wind blows
I think of Starry Night
And artists in the rain
How the streetlamps reflect in the water
Covering the roads
Like a million tiny stars fallen to earth
And a symphony
Written for two sets of windchimes
And a barking dog
Set to the metronome of ticking clocks
The night is silent and alone, like many people
Yet wrapped in a cocoon of stillness
I hardly feel the pounding future
Words like rivers march before me
Poems and prayers that are my guides
Into this vast unknown
What goes before me to test the waters
Those who have come before
To see the world from a new set of eyes
And ears to hear
The seconds slipping away
And silence arriving to take their place
I stand on the edge, looking behind
At the misty light of morning
Still hearing the wind rush by
And I wait
In one hand, the cue ball
Awaiting the perfect shot