"All the forces of the world are not powerful enough to stop an idea whose time has come." Victor Hugo

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Camp NaNoWriMo July 2013

As you can see from my spiffy new badge, I will be participating in Camp NaNoWriMo this year.  (That's short for National Novel Writing Month.)  Basically the goal of Camp is to write a whole novel in one month.  It sounds intimidating, and believe me, I'm feeling pretty intimidated.  However, because I am a deadline sort of person, I thought this would be fun.  Never mind the fact that I will be on vacation for two weeks out of the month.  I want to challenge myself as a writer and so the saying "you'll never know if you don't try" is hanging over my head like a conscience.  Besides, I keep telling myself, it's summer.  This is the perfect time to try it!  (Just wait until the real thing in November when I have school, ugh!  That will be a challenge.)

I'm counting on the support of friends and family and other people who are just feeling generous to keep me going when I want to quit (and believe me, that will be often).  One of the best ways we can be successful, says the program director, is to make our goals very public.  Well, okay then, check.  Even if no one reads it, at least it's on the internet and people have the ability to know what I'm doing this summer.  My facebook and possibly my blog will be smeared with complaints of writer's block and battle cries of inspiration.  At least everyone will know what that's all about.

The last thing I have to say for no one's benefit but my own is a quote by Denis Waitley: "Goals provide the energy source that powers our lives.  One of the best ways we can get the most from the energy we have is to focus it.  That is what goals can do for us: concentrate our energy."

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