"All the forces of the world are not powerful enough to stop an idea whose time has come." Victor Hugo

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Death of the World

That evening, the stars started to turn to dust as the world began to decay.  There was no stopping the cloud that was consuming the planet.  It was a cloud of darkness and despair that had been ever-present since the beginning of time.  Up until that point, they had always found ways to contain it and pretend it didn't exist, little pockets of good and happiness in that desolate world.  However, the time had come when they were no longer able the hold back the darkness.  There came a time when the consuming evil that had always been lurking in the back corners of their minds marched to the forefront of their conscious and broke loose.  Thus began the death of the world.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Bus Stop Zombies

We wait alone
Or in packs
Silent, saying nothing
We stand apart from others
Not acknowledging their existence
Nor they, ours
We sit secluded
Not paying attention to the world around us
Observing from a distance
Others watch us seated there,
Dead to the world
Others talk while life goes on
Yet still we say nothing
The look in our eyes,
Tired from morning
Weary from work and school
Others laugh and make conversation
We don’t make a sound
The doors open to let us out

I walk alone
In solitary existence
Until someone breaks my shell
A lone voice says my name
Pulling me from the land of the dead
And a boy sees me
Says hello
I don’t answer him
I walk on by without a word
Then I stop and wonder
Who am I to pass on  by
A familiar face I know?
How do I keep walking on
When someone made a connection?
It’s too late now to fix the past
What’s over is what’s done
Yet still I wander on
Oblivious to all
Because that is all I’m capable of
I am nothing more than a bus stop zombie

Friday, April 5, 2013

Ordinary Magic

Today is the most wonderful day ever
A woman has baby formula in a plastic bag
Today it is beautiful
A girl wears crystal dangly earrings
The sun is shining
Three little children and their mother sit down
The air is clear
A light blue car the shade of the sky drives in front of us
The sky is bluer than hope
The bus rumbles along the street
The birds are singing
A music store van is right outside the window
Trees sway happily with the thought of coming spring
An orchestra plays in my earphones
The girl I met yesterday with purple hair gets on
The bus driver lowers the lift for a woman with many bags
I hear a sad song
But today is wonderful
Today is a beautiful day
Today is ordinary
Today is plain
But today is today
And suddenly, in the midst of everyday life
I find beauty