"All the forces of the world are not powerful enough to stop an idea whose time has come." Victor Hugo

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Ballerina Fish

Prompt: Compare a fish to a ballerina

A fish moves through the water
Effortlessly twirling fluttering fins
Shimmering scales reflecting sun
A ballerina in costume
Leaping, sliding, graceful gliding
Floating, suspended, motionless
Tirelessly practicing time-worn routines
Lurid motions mesmerizing
Beautifully harmonious melodies
Swaying, swinging, bobbing, singing
A dynamic flight of frenzied flurry
Slow and mournful, quick and hurried
Dancing, swishing, whispered wishing
Incessant motion,
Never ceasing
Around and around and around once more
Never touching floor
Living, breathing, loving, being
This never-ending masquerade
Activity that never fades

Dazzling display
Glittering, glowing, flowing, gleaming
A ballerina in a bowl

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